715-588-7001 | Mon-Thurs 9:30am-5pm, Fri 9:30am-4:30pm, Sat 10-2pm jwolfe@ldftribe.com
Ikwe Circle

Ikwe Circle

Women’s Support Group takes place 3-8pm every Friday evening. Bring your own sewing, beading or other craft projects, supplies are limited, and snacks are provided. Sponsored by the Family Resource Center, SPF Program, & Native Connections Program....
LDF Book Friends

LDF Book Friends

Lac du Flambeau Public Library hosts a book discussion group every second Tuesday at 2pm.  For more information contact Macy at (715) 588-7464   March 11: Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa Cee April 8: The Tracker by Charles Frazier May 13: The Book Woman...
Library Board Meeting

Library Board Meeting

Meetings will occur every 2nd Monday of the month from 5-6pm in the Library conference room, (excluding holidays). Meetings are open to the public. Chairperson: Robert Milburn Treasurer: Angela Zattera Secretary: Deanna Rivers Member: Linda Daniels Member: Jeri Talbot...
Food Sovereignty Class

Food Sovereignty Class

Call the library to join our email list! Offered monthly and every class will be different, depending on the season. Indigenous food sovereignty includes the idea that food is a gift from the Creator and that people have a responsibility to nurture healthy and...